Welcome to Arrowhead!

Sitting atop the mountains of southern California is a very unlikely place called Lake Arrowhead. Here also is a collection of working and living spaces of the employees of ThirdofEight Pictures. While interspersed amongst many other properties not directly owned and operated by the company, there is a symbiotic connection and reliance within the greater mountain community that helps sustain and maintain the quality of life here.

The miracle that is the climate of Arrowhead is the result of incredibly high elevation and an unexpected natural store of groundwater. While the lake is man-made, the year-round streams feeding it are not. In the middle of what most assume is barren desert is a temperate oasis. Old growth cedars, some approaching 6 ft. in diameter grace one side of the lake while oaks cover all of what remains.

Arrowhead is a great place to visit any time, but the holidays are especially fun. If you are in the Greater Los Angeles are, come up and see us!